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Luxury Bedroom Furniture Inspired by Portuguese Culture

The Portuguese culture is a world landmark. Danger, mysteries and adventures are some of the main words to describe and understand Portuguese history. The art is huge and inspired artist for centuries. Master Bedroom Ideas Blog selected some of the best luxury bedroom furniture inspired by Portuguese culture.

Was it worth doing? Everything’s worth doing

If the soul of the doer isn’t small.

Whoever would go beyond the Cape

Must go beyond sorrow.

God placed danger and the abyss in the sea,

But he also made it heaven’s mirror.” – Fernando Pessoa poem from Forever Someone Else: Selected Poems

The soul of Boca do Lobo studio design isn’t small: it has the knowledge and legacy of Portuguese history! That’s why one of the most iconic Portuguese brand’s is an homage to Portugal: the Heritage Nightstand.

Luxury Bedroom Furniture Inspired by Portuguese Culture

The Heritage Nightstand is influenced by the Azulejo, a landmark in Portuguese culture. Originating from the Arabic word zellige, this traditional hand painted tile that can be found all over the country, from churches, to houses and gardens and was often used to tell tales of Portuguese history. Superb for any graceful ambience, this unique nightstand references the importance of history, our ancestors and heritage, with a touch of blue or sepia glamour, for cold or warmer looks.

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Luxury Bedroom Furniture Inspired by Portuguese Culture

Heritage cabinet by Boca do Lobo is an elegant décor piece to compliment the decoration of any interior setting. A highly coveted ensemble of hand painted tiles like those of an expertly curated art collection bring together master artisans and craftsmen for Boca do Lobo’s Heritage. In its interior, there is one door and four drawers, fully lined with golden leaf.

Luxury Bedroom Furniture Inspired by Portuguese Culture

Mr. Doe is a Portuguese furniture brand that invites us to rediscover and experience classical concepts, some lost in history, turning them into unique and exclusive environments. In his first adventure, he presents us with a very important issue of the history of Europe in the Modern Age, the Portuguese Monarchy. Thus from his early sketches, the Dynasty collection was born.

Dª. Inês de Castro Sofa

Even today, the superb passion between D. Pedro I and D.Inês de Castro continues to be the most exciting and intense history lived in Portugal. The piece is inspired by this beautiful and tragic love history reminding the feminine silhouette as Inês has been found dead at the fountain. This intense sofa is the perfect luxury bedroom furniture piece you need for strong and fearless sets.

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D. Dinis Wallcovering with 24 Kilates Gold Foil is an amazing product by Mr. DOE company and is an homage to one of the biggest Portuguese kings: D. Dinis.

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